Project "sicher?"
("secure?") 1992 until xxxx
The project was started by Erwin Posarnig in 1992. With the means of artistic-scientific
forms of expression the social circumstances of this term are examined.
Out of this statement of the problem the interventions of KUNST://ABSEITS VOM
NETZ developed in social halls of mirrors of another, often enforced, form of
life. All within a society using the term SICHER (secure) as a new philosophic
Erwin Posarnig [Foto: M. Krusche]
1996 conception and realization of the project ABSEITS VOM NETZ (beside the net) / Dec. 1996 handing in to the competition "STRÖMUNG", STEWAG / 30.04.1997 handing in at the federal-curator Dr. Wolfgang Zinggl, idea, concept, artistic director: Erwin Posarnig, realization together with Bernhard Wolf 1997 2001 / in June 1997 invitation of Veronika Dreier (graphic artist) to collaborate collaboration until end 1998.
7th November 1997, founding of KUNST://ABSEITS VOM NETZ (KAVN), artistic-, political-, medial-, social-, architectonic interventions. Members: Dr. Erwin Schwentner since 1997, Engineer M.A. Erwin Posarnig, president and artistic director, Veronika Dreier (until end 1998) and since 1998 Bernhard Wolf.
Interventional projects
since 1996
(the forgotten village) / WARTEZIMMER 2000 (waiting room 2000) / MULTIMEDIACLASS
STADTSKULPTUR (permanent/temporary urban sculpture) international networking project
of interventions / BEDROHTE ZONE (threatened zone) / INTERVENTION IST NICHT GLEICH
INTERVENTION (intervention is not equal to intervention) / KUNST MISCHT SICH EIN
(art interferes) / BITT- und DANKPÖLSTER (please- and thanks-pillows)
Participating institutions and artists since 1996:
Gerhard Bacher, Inge Broska, Roger Christ, Arch. DI. Friedrich
B. Copony, Xandi Cziharz, Walter Deutschmann, Veronika Dreier, Peter S. Eder,
Dr. Helmut Eisendle, Alexander Feuchter, Dechant Mag. Fink, Christian Haider,
DI. Peter Hammerl, Markus Haslinger, Manuela Hötzl, Ing. Harald Hütter,
Eva Kleinsasser, Jay Koh, Martin Krusche, Florian Lohberger, Mag. Martin More,
Josef Nistlberger, Stefan Ortner, Josef Pammer, Jakob Pesendorfer, OAR Otmar Pfeifer,
Wolfgang Pollanz, Ing. Mag. Erwin Posarnig, Pfarrer Wolfgang Pucher, Franz Püringer,
Werner Schandor, Andrea Sailer, Prof. Arch. DI. Dr. Peter Schreibmayer und TU
Team, Dr. Erwin Schwentner, Gernot Stangl & Co, Walter Steinl, Helmut Steinkellner,
Günther Striezel, FOND, Hans Jörg Tauchert, Eva Ursprung, Fabian Wallmüller,
Gregor Weis, Mag. Bernhard Wolf, Robert Wolf, Arch. DI. Heinz Wondra, Dr. Andrea
Wolfmayr, XX Kunstkabel, Dr. H. G. Zilian, Roland Zöhrer, 120 Studierende
der TU Graz Lehrveranstaltung: Experimenteller Hochbau zu ABSEITS VOM NETZ, Kulturzentrum
bei den Minoriten: Rektor Josef Fink, Gruppe 77, Thomas Minnich, CYM,,
Radio Helsinki, Kunstraum Goethestraße Linz, Mag. Dietlinde Ressi, Mag.
Andrea Ressi, <rotor>, Herbert Küberl, Forum Stadtpark, Caritas der
Diözese Graz Seckau, Megaphon, Doris Erhard, Franz Walch, Heinz Schiefer,
Mag. Judith Schwentner, Robert Kreuzer, Anita Hofer, Mag. Michael Petrowitsch,
KIG, Artikel 7 Kulturverein, Pavel Haus, Graz 2003, Jogi Hofmüller, Reni
Hofmüller, SIGNIFICANS Berlin, Prof. DI Winfried Ritsch, Martin Krusche,
Heribert Hirschmann, Karl Grünling, Christian Eisenberger, Michael Gumhold,
Mag. Andrea Ressi, and many others more.